A full house of nearly 70 members & guests making up 12 different teams.
Club Captain and Quiz Master Steve Sanger set a number of various challenging questions, including questions on Food & Drink and also Disney.
Some questions were received better than others but everyone seemed to have a good night.
Thanks to Lee and his team from Club House 1896 for the half time Chicken and Chips.
Also Lady Captain Kay Everett and helpers running a raffle which raised a great amount of £120 for the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance Charity.
Winners and who defended their title were team 'Not So Smart' led by Team Captain Andrew Smart.
Thanks to everyone who took part and made the evening a great success.
Some photos of the winning teams and also the team led by Vice Captain Peter Johnson who won the wooden spoon.
Hopefully the next quiz will be in March 2019